Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, has been transferred to a French court after being released from police custody on August 28. This development comes in the wake of his arrest at Bourget airport near Paris on August 24, as reported by CNN. The Paris prosecutor’s office stated that Durov is now subject to “initial questioning and possible indictment.”
Concerns Over Telegram’s Moderation and Criminal Activity
The arrest of Durov has been linked to concerns about Telegram’s alleged failure to effectively moderate its platform, which authorities believe has contributed to a rise in criminal activities. The app has been accused of being “complicit in aiding fraudsters, drug traffickers, and those spreading child pornography.” Moreover, Telegram has reportedly been used by terrorist and far-right extremist groups to facilitate their operations. Durov was detained by French police upon his arrival from Azerbaijan on a private jet, highlighting the serious concerns surrounding the platform’s role in enabling criminal activity.
French Government’s Stance on Durov’s Arrest
French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized that Durov’s arrest was purely judicial and not politically motivated. In a statement shared on social media, Macron clarified, “The arrest of the president of Telegram on French soil took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. It is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to rule on the matter.”
Debate Over Freedom of Speech
The arrest has sparked a significant debate over freedom of speech, with notable figures like Elon Musk voicing their support for Durov. Musk argued that the investigation into Durov could be seen as an infringement on free speech, tweeting, “Check out this ad for the First Amendment. It is very convincing,” in reference to the investigation.
Meanwhile, Yekaterina Mizulina, head of the Safe Internet League (LBI) in Russia, suggested that the U.S. government was behind Durov’s arrest, potentially with an agenda to influence the price of Telegram’s associated cryptocurrency, Toncoin (TON). Since Durov’s arrest, the price of Toncoin has dropped by 17.5%, currently trading at $5.5 according to CoinMarketCap, with trading volume surging by 44.9% in the past 24 hours.
Global Repercussions and the Future of Telegram
The arrest of Pavel Durov has not only led to legal proceedings but also triggered significant market reactions and raised questions about the future of Telegram, particularly in terms of its moderation policies and its role in the digital landscape. The ongoing judicial investigation in France will be closely watched, as its outcome could have far-reaching implications for both Durov and the platform he created.
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